Man overboard recovery system | Pob-Net


The POB-NET life-saving net: an innovative device for saving lives at sea "Man Over Board" (MOB)

The POB-NET life-saving net is a revolutionary system that offers a simple and effective solution for saving lives at sea.

Unlike traditional rescue devices:
The POB-NET is easy to use, requiring no special training
Can be deployed quickly even in difficult conditions.

"Indeed, in the best of all possible worlds, you don't fall off a lifeboat, but sailors know that the unexpected can always happen..." SNMS

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POB-NET life net is an indispensable tool for safety at sea.

  • Its ease of use, efficiency and versatility make it an ideal choice for yachtsmen, fishermen and marine professionals.
  • The POB-NET can save lives and help make boating safer for all.

The POB-NET is a self-deploying, tunnel-shapednet that deploys quickly to form a safe rescue space.

To save someone who has fallen overboard, just follow these simple steps:

1. Launchthe POB-NET: Throw the net overboard in the direction of the person to be rescued.

2. Guide the net: Maneuver the net so that it surrounds the person.

3. Pull the net: Pull on the lines attached to the net to bring it aboard.

4. Securingthe person: Once the person is aboard, secure him/her and provide first aid if necessary.

Data sheet

Technical data and specifications

  • Dimensions closed: bag diameter approx. 70 cm ;
  • Dimensions unfolded: length 2m, width 1.2m

Material: PE, PP, aluminum, NiRo

The POB-NET offers the following advantages:

  • Reduces the risk of hypothermia: By keeping the person to be rescued in a prone position, the POB-NET reduces the risk of hypothermia, a frequent and dangerous complication of accidents in cold seas.
  • Minimizes physical effort: The hoist system allows the person to be lifted aboard without significant physical effort, which is particularly important for inexperienced rescuers or those lacking in strength.
  • Promotes rapid intervention: The POB-NET's ease of use enables rapid, effective intervention in an emergency, increasing the chances of survival for the rescued person.

The POB-NET is a real asset to safety at sea, and represents a significant advance in the field of rescue devices.

Advantages of POB-NET

The POB-NET offers many advantages over traditional rescue devices:

  • Ease of use: The POB-NET can be used by anyone, even without special training.
  • Rapid deployment: The net deploys automatically in a matter of seconds, saving precious time during a rescue operation.
  • Stability: The tunnel-shaped net offers great stability, even in rough sea conditions.
  • High load-bearing capacity: The POB-NET can support a large person or a pet.
  • Versatility: The net can be used to rescue people, animals or objects that have fallen overboard.
  • Lightweight and compact: The POB-NET is lightweight and compact, making it easy to store and transport.